Child Of God

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: Holy Trinity Teens Connect
Birthday: 04-07-04
Occupation: Youth Group

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*.* Our Fond Memories *.*

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    Created by Charisma
    Found at Blogskins

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    Spotted this... Enjoy! :)

    One day, Jesus and the devil were both working on their computers. Jesus was typing away. The devil was typing away. Suddenly a huge blackout filled heaven and hell. When the lights came back on, Jesus picked up right where he left off, but the devil's screen was black. Satan says, "How could this happen? I did everything Jesus did!" Then one person in hell says, "No, Jesus Saves."

    - Samantha

    Digitally inscribed on this day at 9:29 PM

    Tuesday, August 08, 2006

    *.* I'm just planning ahead *.*

    Has anyone else noticed that Cheryl seems to be in everyone of the five pictures at the right, in some way or the other? Look at the extreme right for pictures 2 and 3. If only I went for the beach Pnw, I'd probably give myself the distinction as well (since I was the one who posted the pictures, but at that time unaware of the presence of the common pest)

    Anyway corn aside, we need to talk about the chalet. Yes, we will be getting a significantly larger one this year (most probably at Aloha Loyang), and no, we won't be leeching off anyone this time around. Currently our budget (of which we can't claim a cent from the youth group fund, or Fr. Bosco and Aunty Dot will have to come) dictates that we get the cheapest chalet available, the Garden Terrace.

    Single storey units, with sheltered pavilions around the BBQ areas, are fully furbished with living room set with TV & games table; dining area;2 air-conditioned bedrooms with 4 single beds, wardrobe, dresser, bedside table & wall fan; 2 toilets / bath with shower heater; BBQ pit and a fully equipped kitchen.

    $90 a night, provided they don't fire my dad before December (touch wood). We're thinking about two nights? Preferably on a weekend in early December.

    But if we get more than 20 people coming and more than 10 people staying, it might be advisable to get a Sea View Bungalow.

    Single-storey bungalows, surrounded by open field and having a sea-view, are fully furbished with living room set with TV and games table; dining room; 4 air-conditioned bedrooms and furbished with beds (2 queen-sized and 4 single-sized) wardrobe, dresser, bedside table and wall fan; BBQ pit and a fully equipped kitchen.

    Of course, this will be debatable and subject to response, availability and the moods of the people in this organizing committee, which hasn't been formed yet cuz the President has nearly no clue I (along with Jul and Mel that day) am doing all this

    If response is ultra low, like say 6 people or less, which I hope doesn't happen, then we'll just have to settle with the original plan of having a shopping holiday at KL. So please limit my choices.

    Now I'd expect that a fair few of you lot are tired of getting messages from me, so I'll be getting the President to get in touch with everyone so we can get your replies, suggestions, opinions and monetary donations. And we need to work fast or the chalets will be all gone.

    So yeah let us know thanks.


    Digitally inscribed on this day at 2:55 PM

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    *.* Where I got the blog name *.*

    And this is where I found that word that nobody else save for me seems to know or recognise:


    Viola: And what should I do in Illyria?
    My brother, he is in Elysium.
    Perchance he is not drowned. What think you, sailors?

    From Twelfth Night Act One Scene Two


    And I just remembered that elective lit students at O Level didn't take Shakespeare, so yeah Mel wouldn't know lol.

    Once a litter, always a litter.

    Robert Wilks, who compiled the Total Study Edition of the Twelfth Night Study Guide defines Elysium as "heaven". So I felt that it was a nice thing to put in our blog URL (plus Cheryl told me that she had already tried many possible names for the blog but all were taken so she had to settle for httc-palz) Contradictory to the warm fuzzy feeling this word seems to imply (at least in this context) Wilks goes on further to explain the word Elysium:

    " classical mythology, the place where the happy dead lived. The Greeks believed that it was situated in the western ocean (i.e. the Atlantic) towards the sunset, and that the souls of the virtuous there enjoyed complete happiness and innocent pleasures."

    But I prefer to ignore the dead part and concentrate on the heaven bit.

    So roughly our blog name, translated, is "Heaven of the Evangels". Sorry my French isn't that good.

    So yeah.


    Digitally inscribed on this day at 6:05 PM

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    oh hey guys, do u all want a chalet at the end of the year? we have to book soon =X

    Digitally inscribed on this day at 10:00 PM

    hey guys haha..
    I got invited to contribute! how cool is that? (i sound so swaku) haha. so i shall contribute a lil before going to bed :) haha.

    (i feel corny. haha shut up russ i know u have loads to say abt this haha)

    so guys I think our new blog is really nice.. and those of u with blogger accs (mel switch! switcH!) ask russ to invite u guys in n just drop an entry in now n then.. remember, for this blog to work, YOU need to contribute! coz YOU are important! (haha i sound like i'm giving a speech for election day)

    use it as somewhere to vent ur anger, stress or just to share happiness or mayb some reflections or sth! come on guys we can make this work :)

    oh.. do u guys wanna start planning our end year CIP? Can we make Victor the PR for this? =P


    Digitally inscribed on this day at 1:02 AM